Sunday, 20 April 2008
Thursday, 17 April 2008
What you should NEVER say to a rape victim
1."Did you like it?"
Rape isn't about sex. It has nothing to do with orgasms or pleasure or sexual satisfaction; it is primarily about control and dominance. Rape victims don't enjoy rape any more than you would enjoy getting beat up by a man twice your size. You should never say or suggest that a victim enjoyed the attack, or even ask if they did, because the answer is 'no'.
Kid stuffed in a sports bag
this is a fate of a poor child...
please read on.
It began with an innocent visit to the night market.
On the evening of August 20th 2007, 8-year old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin asked her mother for permission to run down to the neighbourhood’s night market. She wanted to buy hair grips for herself. Her mother, was entertaining a guest at that time. She said ok, thinking that Nurin was going to be accompanied by her younger sister. Her daughters usually go out either in a buddy-system or in groups. It never occurred to her that Nurin had decided to venture out by herself.
In between the bustling atmosphere of the night market, the shoppers failed to notice anything out of the ordinary. The only witness to the abduction was another little girl, who had innocently assumed that Nurin was being taken home by someone she knew, perhaps a relative.
Meanwhile, back at home, Nurin’s parents grew frantic when they realized their little girl had not returned. The night was getting late. Father, Jazimin Abd. Jalil, knew immediately that something was wrong. He went out to search for his missing daughter without success, despite help from concerned relatives and neighbours.The exhausted Jazimin finally trudged over to the local police station to lodge a report about his missing daughter.
Her disappearance made its way into the local newspapers. It hardly made headlines on the front-page news. A week later her mother, Norazian, tearfully appealed to the press for the first time for help locating her missing daughter. By now, the police officially classified the case as “kidnapping”.
Nurin’s parents were in despair. Her disappearance was not the only thing that was worrying, it was the state of her health that they were concerned with as well. Nurin suffered from kidney problems and high blood pressure. The missing child required daily medical attention. She needed to return home.
above is all about the missing child.
the heart piercing issue is how the child returned back home.
read on...
Unfortunately, this case offered no happy ending. The pleas of her parents for Nurin’s safe return went unheeded.
On September 17th, a company supervisor in Petaling Jaya stumbled across a large Diadora sports bag outside the company premises when she came to open the store. It was Monday morning. She initially thought the bag belonged to her employer who had just returned from a trip, 30 minutes later, it was discovered that the bag did not belong to him. Upon opening the bag to search for identification or clues to the owner, to his horror, he found a body within. He immediately alerted the police.What followed next was a series of media circus.
The body in the bag was a female child, aged between 6 and 8. She had been sexually-assaulted and strangled. Reports confirmed that she died approximately 6 hours prior to being transported to the “dump site”. Nurin’s parents were alerted immediately. They rushed to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for the identification procedure, barely able to brace themselves for the impending nightmare. Due to severe physical changes on the body caused by trauma, the husband and wife were unable to recognize her.
But the subsequent DNA testing proved that the body in the morgue was indeed their child.
Creating awareness to prevent more Nurins is my main aim thru this blog.
i cant blame her parents fully for her death yet if they were aware of her going out alone,this death can be avoided. she wasn't kidnapped in a lonely area but in between a well crowded night market!how can we be so ignorant when a child is walking alone?'selfish neighbourhood' i would conclude.if any of her neighbours showed a little concern when they noticed her alone-either sending her back home or accopanying her or alert her parents...she might be alive today with us smiling,well its too late for me to suggest what a individual should have done,poor nurin is no more.
hoping this case would be a warning to parents or guardiance to make sure they monitor their kids from being left alone at any point of time.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Girl raped by stepfather
This victim have suffered 11 years without complaining about her step father,thats the gratest mistake she have done.She should have made a point to stop his 'animalism' from the very begining.I would blame the victim's mother too for not being aware of her daughter's safety at home,how can she be ignorant towards her child's well being for 11years?
This rapist should be a flesh eating maniac!Marital breakdown not only affects the couple,the child's(children's) mentality as well,in this case its going to be hard time for the victim,a broken family as well as broken mind due to being raped and tortured for years.
JOHOR BARU: After 11 years of holding on to a terrible secret, a 17-year-old girl gathered the courage to tell her mother that her stepfather had allegedly molested and raped her as a child.
The victim claimed that she was forced to perform oral sex on the 44-year-old suspect when she was about six years old and that she was raped twice five years ago, when she was 12, at their home in Kulai.
The suspect allegedly committed the offences whenever the victim’s mother was not at home.
The revelation came to light when the victim’s mother started divorce proceedings against the suspect due to marital problems.
"Let's go into my bedroom and listen to my new CD?"
"What's the big deal THIS time? We've had sex BEFORE."
"Your roommate's out for the evening. Let's go study at your place."
"You want another drink? Let me fill your glass"
"Even though you say you don't want to, your body is saying yes."
"I love you too much,lets make it honey."
"Lets go for vacation,only both of us."
"Dont be old fashion,what's wrong in making love-we are adults dear."
"Prove me how much you love me baby?"
"Please,please,please-can we have it once."
"Can i drive you back home after work?"
"Your lips are hot honey!"
"Shall we make love for more intimacy?"
"I promise i will marry you,only you."
"Shall i drive you to some where only both us gonna be?"
"We soon will be married,why cant we have it?"
"We are couples,what's wrong in making love?"
I think i can go on and on with the common words of old lines!
Dear readers,those are some of the common example of sweet words used to attract victim's attention.Try your level best to avoid all those sweet words,virginity is a treasure given to girls to be gifted to their husbands,dont loose it by trusting sweet words from any lame person!Never trust any guys 100%,always have 20% of doubt with who ever you are mixing with.
Most of the current rape cases are commited by BOYFRIEND(s)!So girls please be aware of your BOYFRIEND(s).
A true love always can survive with out food(sex) until you are legally married.Never be a victim of lust!
Girls always remember once u give in,there is no way you will gain it back!A 10 minutes plessure can make you regret for your rest of your life!
Rape, not by strangers only!
Acquaintance rape, or rape committed by someone the victim knows, is one of the most common forms of rape occurring today, especially in a campus setting. It is not uncommon for women to be sexually assaulted by friends, family members, neighbors, boyfriends or ex-boyfriends, dates, coworkers, etc.
It is difficult to estimate the true magnitude of the acquaintance rape problem for two reasons. First most women raped by an acquaintance are reluctant to report the attack to police because they are afraid they will not be believed. Second, many women do not think of it as rape if they are forced to have sex with a acquaintance.
For example, in a recent study of adult women, it was found that only 29% of all rape victims reported the crime to the police, almost two-thirds (62%) of all rape cases reported involved a man the victim knew fairly well, and these acquaintance cases were less likely to be reported to police than were rapes by strangers.
The reluctance of women to label forced intercourse as rape is evident in the research finding that only 43% of victims experience abuse meeting the legal definition of rape actually acknowledge the experience as rape. Also, women who did not acknowledge their sexual assault as rape were more likely to have been unmarried students at the time of their assault.
Indications are that acquaintance rape occurs much more frequently on college campuses than you might imagine. Studies at some universities reveal that at least 20% of women students have been victims of acquaintance rape. One study of college males found that 61 % admitted to having used some type of coercive behavior in sexual situations, and 15% said they had actually forced women to have sexual intercourse, an act that would constitute rape.
In general, people believe acquaintance rape tends to involve less violence than rape committed by strangers. However, recent data collected by researchers show that rapes committed by some types of acquaintances are at least as violent or even more violent than stranger rapes. When rape cases involving boyfriends were compared with those involving strangers, victims of boyfriends were more likely to fear serious injury or death, to sustain minor physical injury. Boyfriend assailant cases were twice as likely to involve the use of a weapon than stranger assailant cases but were less likely to have been reported to police.
Some say it's a shame, some say it's a misunderstanding, some say it is a lie, some say it's her fault, some say it's his fault.......
Thursday, 10 April 2008
Strategy of rape as a weapon of war???

“As you have raped me, please don’t leave me alive… kill me with your gun” begged Almina to her rapist. “May shame kill you” was the reply of the Janjaweed militiaman who raped her on July 4th.
In order to keep the Sudanese Liberation Army and the Justice Equality Movement from controlling any territory in the Darfur region, the Islamic government in Khartoum has employed a campaign of terror in which Muslim women from Darfur are victims of rape conducted and directed by Muslim men from the Arabic nomadic tribes known as the Janjaweed.
Rape is a dominant characteristic of the humanitarian crisis in Darfur. While in the 1994 Rwandan genocide a raped woman was more often than not killed, in Darfur in 90 % of the rape cases the rapists have kept the women alive and sent them back to their community.
I have been amazed by the courage of the women of Darfur. I have seen in these women a strong sense of resistance. They are determined to survive and have given themselves over to the necessary daily tasks in the camps, such as the search for firewood, with a tenacious will to live. Moving out of the camps exposes them to the risk of attack and rape, yet wood is needed to cook with and water to drink. The displaced women of Darfur continue to face the menace of rape and shame in their plight to ensure the survival of themselves and their children.
This strategy of rape as a weapon of war and social control is having a profound effect on the conception of the meaning of being Muslim for the people of Darfur. A distinction is being drawn between the Islam lived out in Darfur and that promulgated by the Khartoum government. Abnan and Al Tahir, two women from Darfur who have been raped had this to say: “A minority in power uses both Islam and Arabism to blindfold the whole society, to silence any political opposition or arrest human rights activists. On the contrary, in Darfur the ordinary people see Islam through a different lens. It’s for them a religion with its true meaning. It’s a religion and not a political tool. This is how you can understand how a Janjaweed Muslim can be told by Khartoum to rape a Muslim woman and her young girl regardless of Islam... and they too can do it…Muslims in Khartoum have corrupted Islam.”
The fate of a raped woman in an Islamic fundamentalist society such as that in Sudan is already sealed. Rape survivors are more often than not rejected for being a visible reminder of the shame inflicted on the community by the rape act. The women will be inhibited from acting as full and honored members of society; their prospects for marriage or a happy home life effectively erased forever. Compounding the trauma of the physical abuse of rape is the loss of identity and the imposition of a new, dishonored identity. Ironically, the act of freeing themselves from the burden of shame and perhaps starting the process of healing by naming the offense is guaranteed to cement their rejected status in their societies.
This rejection can already be observed in the refugee camps in Chad and in displaced camps in Darfur. As their rape status is known by the community members, rape survivors have expressed fear and a lack of desire to return to their home communities even after safety is restored. Their only hope for the future, they feel, is in establishing themselves in a new community where their past experiences will not be known. The injustice of being cut off from their home communities, families and friends --- the things that give life meaning and joy --- compound the physical trauma of the rape act and possible unwanted pregnancies and exposure to disease.
These rapes are occurring in areas where Islam regulates both the political and social lives of the citizens. Rape is happening among those who shared Arabism and Islam. The women of Darfur report feeling betrayed by their Islamic government, which has formed an alliance with Muslim and Arab rapists rather protecting its own civilians.
The ramifications of rape as a weapon of war seem without end. Women and girls are victimized and ostracized, men emasculated, families and communities destroyed, and the very faith which gives life meaning is cheapened and rendered an expedient political tool. The rape of Darfur’s women is an injustice which will reverberate through Sudanese culture and society. It must be stopped.
" i would rather die in a bom blast during war rather than being raped and the act is justified as war strategy"!concernedheart.
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Paid to protect or to rape?
an army officer and a police officer-aren't they suppose to protect???
are you guys paid to protect or to rape?
where else the public will go to address their problem if the concerned party is no longer can be trusted?
im not categorising all the officers to be bad but then how to diffrentiate and how to trust?
in both the cases the victims was raped when they seeked the officers for help!!!
lets go thru the cases:
case 1:
Rape case: Army officer identified
Shimla, September 25The local police has identified the Army officer who allegedly raped a 19-year-old tourist two days ago and written to the local station commander to produce the accused before the police for interrogation.
The preliminary investigation carried out by the police indicates that the version of the incident as mentioned in the FIR by the victim is correct. The medical examination of the girl has also confirmed rape. The vaginal swab has been sent for further examination.
The police hoped that the Army authorities will hand over the accused officer for interrogation by the evening.
The girl from Mumbai, who is a daughter of an Air Force officer, landed in trouble as soon as she reached Shimla. The girl who was reportedly emotionally upset, reached here all alone. She contacted the local military control office to find a safe place to stay. An Army Subedar talked to the accused officer, who in turn asked him to drop her at his residence at Longwood.
Instead of helping her in finding a place to stay the officer allegedly raped her.
The ordeal lasted for an hour after which she was again dropped at the station. She contacted the officials of Railway and traffic police and narrated the incident. On their advice she lodged an FIR with the police.
Meanwhile, the father of the girl, who arrived here today, also met the Superintendent of Police.
Further action in the matter will be taken after the interrogation of the officer. The Army personnel, who took the girl to the accused, has already been interrogated. On his statement the police was able to identify the accused.
case 2:
Moral police not moral policing.
A DAYLIGHT rape of a teenager by a policeman and a ban on dancing bars. Last week, on Mumbai's famous Marine Drive, a drunken policeman accosted a teenage girl. He insisted she come into a small, wooden police chowki for questioning, locked the door from inside, and raped her. People passing by heard her desperate screams, banged on the door of the chowki only to be confronted by an unrepentant policeman, brazenly zipping up his trousers and threatening the crowd that had gathered by then.
This incident has enraged people in Mumbai. On the day of the rape, people would have lynched the policeman if his colleagues had not rescued him. The police chowki was smashed.
Subsequently, in a step that defies all comprehension, the police themselves removed the chowki. In effect, they have destroyed vital evidence in the case.
The day after the rape, hundreds of residents stopped traffic and shouted slogans against the Mumbai police. They demanded that the policeman be handed over to them.
While the police have suspended the constable and his superior, charged the former under the criminal law and remanded him to police custody, what has angered people in the city is the attitude of the police. Mumbai's Police Commissioner A.N. Roy pleaded with the media not to paint the entire police force black because of one incident of a deviant policeman. Another senior police officer claimed this was the first such incident and the media should not make too much of it. Surely, these senior people in the police should know that even one such incident requires the police to stop in their tracks and check what is happening in the force. And it is incredible that they would not be aware that the focus on custodial rape was brought about as far back as the mid-1970s by the famous Mathura rape case when two drunken policemen raped a 14-year-old tribal girl in Maharashtra. While the Bombay High Court convicted the policemen, in 1979 the Supreme Court overturned the lower court's judgment on the grounds that there was "no reasonable evidence of guilt on the part of the policemen." The judgment also cast doubts on the character of this minor girl.
such immoral officers should be punished severely so that it will be a reminder for others to commit such a disgusting act in future!
public should be more careful while addressing your problems to police or seeking help from them.
avoid meeting them alone.there should be a lady officer in each police stations to avoid men officers to handling women cases,im not being a female pro here but it will be more comfortable and safe if a lady officer handles women cases.
besides a qualification,a public servant has to own humanity and moral-it determines the safety of the country.
Dark side of America
fed up of news on celebrities of Hollywood and famous people of usa?
well lets check out a summary of a document based on the dark side of America:
Documents: US polygamist sect married girls at puberty.
ELDORADO, Texas, April 9 — A polygamist compound with hundreds of children was rife with sexual abuse, child welfare officials allege in court documents, with girls spiritually married to much older men as soon as they reached puberty and boys groomed to perpetuate the cycle.
The documents released Tuesday also gave details about the hushed phone calls that triggered the raid, by a 16-year-old girl at the West Texas ranch who said her 50-year-old husband beat and raped her. Days after raiding the compound, officials still aren't sure where the girl is.
Officials have completed removing all 416 children from the ranch and have won custody of all of them, Child Protective Services spokeswoman Marleigh Meisner told reporters in San Angelo, about 40 miles from the compound in Eldorado.Court documents said a number of teen girls at the 1,700-acre compound were pregnant, and that all the children were removed on the grounds that they were in danger of "emotional, physical, and-or sexual abuse". Another 139 women left on their own.The boys were groomed to be ready to marry underage girls upon adulthood and engage in sexual activity, "resulting in them becoming sexual perpetrators," the affidavit said.
Children in the sect were deprived of food and forced to sit in closed closets as a form of discipline, the affidavit said.
"Investigators determined that there is a widespread pattern and practice of the (Yearn for Zion) Ranch in which young, minor female residents are conditioned to expect and accept sexual activity with adult men at the ranch upon being spiritually married to them," read the affidavit signed by Lynn McFadden, a Department of Family and Protective Services investigative supervisor.hope severe punishments are carried to those psychotics who have tortured the poor children.
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Is abortion justifiable in cases of rape or incest?
It is argued that in these tragic cases the great value of the mental health of a woman who becomes pregnant as a result of rape or incest can best be safe-guarded by abortion. It is also said that a pregnancy caused by rape or incest is the result of a grave injustice and that the victim should not be obliged to carry the fetus to viability. This would keep reminding her for nine months of the violence committed against her and would just increase her mental anguish. It is reasoned that the value of the woman's mental health is greater than the value of the fetus. In addition, it is maintained that the fetus is an aggressor against the woman's integrity and personal life; it is only just and morally defensible to repel an aggressor even by killing him if that is the only way to defend personal and human values. It is concluded, then, that abortion is justified in these cases.
Despite its forceful appeal to our sympathies, there are problems with this argument.
- It is not relevant to the case for abortion on demand, the position defended by the popular pro-choice movement. This position states that a woman has a right to have an abortion for any reason she prefers during the entire nine months of pregnancy, whether it be for gender-selection, convenience, or rape.To argue for abortion on demand from the hard cases of rape and incest is like trying to argue for the elimination of traffic laws from the fact that one might have to violate some of them in rare circumstances, such as when one's spouse or child needs to be rushed to the hospital. Proving an exception does not establish a general rule.
- Since conception does not occur immediately following intercourse, pregnancy can be eliminated in all rape cases if the rape victim receives immediate medical treatment by having all the male semen removed from her uterus.
- The unborn entity is not an aggressor when its presence does not endanger its mother's life (as in the case of a tubal pregnancy). It is the rapist who is the aggressor. The unborn entity is just as much an innocent victim as its mother. Hence, abortion cannot be justified on the basis that the unborn is an aggressor.
- This argument begs the question by assuming that the unborn is not fully human. For if the unborn is fully human, then we must weigh the relieving of the woman's mental suffering against the right-to-life of an innocent human being. And homicide of another is never justified to relieve one of emotional distress.
Although such a judgment is indeed anguishing, we must not forget that the same innocent unborn entity that the career-oriented woman will abort in order to avoid interference with a job promotion is biologically and morally indistinguishable from the unborn entity that results from an act of rape or incest. And since abortion for career advancement cannot be justified if the unborn entity is fully human, abortion cannot be justified in the cases of rape and incest. In both cases abortion results in the death of an innocent human life.
A valuable judgement-"Court bars publication of pictures of rape victims"
"Court bars publication of pictures of rape victims"
the title above describes total humanity.
by this civilized law ,the victim will be less traumatized from being chased by the media and the society as well.

a salute to this decision!
CHENNAI: The Madras High Court has restrained the media from publishing photographs of women who are victims of rape, and has directed the police to ensure that such victims were not photographed.
A Division Bench comprising Justice Dharmarao Elipe and Justice S. Palanivelu on Friday passed the order, allowing a public interest litigation petition filed by the Tamil Nadu Council of the National Federation of Indian Women.
Referring to a July 15, 2002 circular memorandum issued by the Director-General of Police, the Bench said the contents of the circular should be enforced in letter and spirit.
The memorandum reiterated the need to protect the identity of rape victims from the “glare of media and public eye,” and said, “the media indulges in perverse sensationalisation while displaying the photographs of the women brutally. It is to be severely condemned and stopped.”
The police, mandated to safeguard the dignity of women, was party to it. “It cannot be condoned on any account,” it said, adding, “it is easy for the police to stop such photographs being taken. Still, police personnel lack the sensitivity and humanity to abide by the basic civilised norms.”
The memorandum directed all Commissioners of Police and Superintendents of Police to strictly follow the directive.
“Any deviation will be viewed very seriously,” it said.
The petitioner, K. Santhakumari, general secretary of the Federation, submitted that despite several representations to the Home Secretary, Director-General of Police and the Press Council of India, the media continued to publish “derogatory” photographs and details of women who were complainants in rape cases.
“Among women, who are subjected to sexual assault of rape, only a small percentage comes forward to give complaints to the police,” she said, adding that if they were exposed to the media and public glare it would discourage such women from preferring complaints.
She prayed for a ban on the publication of photographs and details of victims in newspapers, journals and magazines, and to direct the authorities to ensure compliance.
Rape victim was sentenced to 90 lashes-CRUEL JUDGMENT!

dear readers,
this one of the merciless judgment i came across while working on this blog's update.
a victim is sentenced to 90 lashes after all those mental and physical torture she went thru.
i feel cruelty in this judgment!
the judge may reason out for his final decision based on law of his country but in my opinion his judgment was against humanity,it just added salt on her pain!
those bastard who committed the sexual crime was only given jail terms ranging from 10 months to five years??? so after the short term of prison,they can hang around freely again?
well is tat a judgment adequate for a rapist or can it be a reminder for others?
oh my god,am i questioning a country's fixed law and weight of a judgment....
obviously no- im just asking it as a human who is concerned about the fate of a raped&tortured victim.
im not including the details of the country where this incident took place to avoid provoking any legal issues later.
Gang-rape victim faces 90 lashes.
A woman who was kidnapped at knifepoint, gang-raped and then beaten by her brother has been sentenced to 90 lashes — for meeting a man who was not a relative.
In an interview with victim, the 19-year-old said she was blackmailed a year ago into meeting a man who threatened to tell her family they were having a relationship outside wedlock, which is illegal in the ultra-conservative desert kingdom.
After driving off together from a shopping mall near her home, the woman and the man were stopped and abducted by a gang of men wielding kitchen knives who took them to a farm where she was raped 14 times by her captors.
Five men were arrested for the rape and given jail terms ranging from 10 months to five years by a panel of judges.
But the judges also decided to sentence the woman, identified by the newspaper only as "G," and the man to lashes for being alone together in the car.
Unrelated men and women are forbidden from interacting,which strictly enforces Islamic Sharia law.
"G" said one of the judges told she was lucky not to have been given jail time. "I was shocked at the verdict. I couldn't believe my ears," said the woman, who has appealed against her sentence.
The woman also told the paper she tried to commit suicide because of her ordeal and was beaten by her younger brother because the rape had brought shame on their family.
"G", described as an activist by the paper, said she was outraged by the case. "By sentencing her to 90 lashes they are sending a message that she is guilty. No rape victim is guilty," she said.
There are severe legal restrictions on women in this particular country, including a strict dress code required outside the home and a ban on driving.
Drunk bashed up for trying to molest 10-year-old girl
well readers,below is a good example of real untrustworthy neighbor for being real threat for other neighbors.neighborhood suppose to be safe and a friendly environment-but this poor kid has been molested during day time-1.45pm in her own flats!well,i appreciate the act of all the other residents of the flats. im sure no matter what punishment is given to the so called 'drunken maniac',the kid will be under going trauma for her rest of her life.
we cant take alcohol as reason for his behavior! i have many friends and relatives who drinks heavily but they never committed such a disgusting act.they know their social limits when they are drunk. so its so obvious that being drunk can never be a reason for his cruel act on this poor kid.
to overcome this kind of problem in future-contribution of neighborhood is extremely important!
dear neighbors please keep eye on suspicious people around your housing area and is better to have a security guard in this kind of housing areas-flats,apartments and condominiums.most importantly please watch out those kids who are walking or playing alone around your housing area,please alert their parents or send them back home.
please act before its too late!
PETALING JAYA, April 8 — A drunken man who tried to molest a 10-year-old girl was badly bashed up by neighbours at Block 27 of the MPPJ Peoples' Housing Project (PPR) flats in Kota Damansara yesterday.
The girl was said to be waiting for a lift to her flat on Level 17 at 1.45pm when a man in the lift pulled her inside. When the lift door opened at Level 9, a man identified only as Ng saw the man "doing something" to the girl.
He then informed the girl's parents and neighbours on Level 17 and when they rushed down to Level 9, they found the girl alone, naked and crying on the corridor.
"On seeing this, the angry neighbours went to the suspect's flat on Level 8 together with the victim. The suspect was badly beaten up before the police were called," Ng said.
It is understood that police had to summon an ambulance to take the badly beaten suspect to hospital.
The victim's mother lodged a report at the Kota Damansara police station before taking the girl to the Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (PPUM) for a medical examination. Doctors confirmed that she was not sexually assaulted.
The injured suspect had been admitted to the Sungai Buloh Hospital and was reported to be in stable condition.
Form 5 girl believed raped and murdered
we have a lost a 'future hope' of our country!
poor student! this not happening today or yesterday but for ages!who to be blamed?
poor security in this particular area?the victim for not being cautious?the parents for not accompanying their child?who????
girls who are going for additional classes please be aware and try to walk with your friends in well crowded area.
parents please try your level best to accompany your kids if you are available.nothing is more precious than your kids safety!
JELI, April 7 — Form five student Nurul Anira Abdul Rashid left her Kampung Reka Dalam home for a tuition class last Saturday. She never returned.
Yesterday, Nurul Anira's savaged body was found at a rubber estate about 6pm, some 500 metres from her home. The teenager was believed to have been raped and murdered. Concealed with leaves and twigs, her body was found in a bush at a bamboo cluster.
Nurul Anira's shirt, underwear, shoes, hair pin and hairband were found scattered nearby, indicating she could have put up a struggle with her assailant.
Police investigators have not ruled out strangulation as the cause of death as several marks were found on the neck of the Sekolah Menengah Jeli (I) student.
Kelantan police chief, Senior Assistant Commissioner Datuk Abdul Rahim Hanafi, said today that forensic experts from Kuantan, Pahang were conducting investigations into the 17-year-old's death. A post-mortem was schedule for the afternoon.
According to Abdul Rahim, Nurul Anira's body was discovered by residents.
"The search for the girl was conducted based on public information that Nurul Anira normally walked through a particular area after her tuition class. We first found her shoes, followed by underwear, hair pin and eventually, her body," he said.
Nurul Anira was reported missing when she did not return home from tuition by 12.30pm. She normally had to walk one km from the bus-stop to her house.
Purpose of my blog
well,there too many chaos lately going on all over the world such as misunderstanding between countries,economical crisis,green house effect and political instability in many countries.
among all these situations,there is a bigger issue is going on all over the world regardless to race,age,status and etc-RAPE,MOLESTATIONS,SODOMY & ETC!
there any many anti-rape organization all over the world yet day by day the maniacs are feeding themselves with poor victims.
i think now its time for each and every individual to involve themselves to fight over these 'maniacs' to make earth a better place to live."Unity is strength."
Life cannot be trusted, death can come at any moment-in this little life span i hope i can create some awareness to the society thru my blog about the maniacs who are walking freely, awaiting to prey on their victims!
Among the ignorant a little concern is of great value.
thank you readers!