Friday, 10 October 2008

Anyone can be a rapist,from a soldier to a begger

Besides communism,here is another cruelest protocol carried out in Russian Federation!

More Evidence of Rape by Russian Forces in Chechnya.

(Nazran, March 30, 2000) -- The arrest of a colonel who may have committed rape in Chechnya does not address a pattern of sexual assault by Russian forces in the Chechen conflict, Human Rights Watch said today. On March 29, the chief of the general staff of the Russian armed forces, Col. Gen. Anatoly Kvashnin, announced that a Russian tank commander had been arrested for killing a woman who had evidently been raped before she died.

Human Rights Watch today released fresh evidence of two additional cases of rape that it has documented through witness testimony. Human Rights Watch has previously documented rape in other Chechen towns and villages, including Shali and Alkhan-Yurt. (See, Rape Allegations Surface in Chechnya, HRW Release January 20, 2000.)

"It would certainly be a step in the right direction if the Russian government actually prosecuted a serviceman for rape. But a single prosecution wouldn't begin to address the problem. There have been hundreds of war crimes, including summary executions and rapes, committed by Russian soldiers in Chechnya." Holly Cartner, executive director of the Europe and Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch.

The Geneva Conventions define rape as a war crime. "It would certainly be a step in the right direction if the Russian government actually prosecuted a serviceman for rape," said Holly Cartner, executive director of the Europe and Central Asia division of Human Rights Watch.

"But a single prosecution wouldn't begin to address the problem. There have been hundreds of war crimes, including summary executions and rapes, committed by Russian soldiers in Chechnya."

According to two eyewitnesses interviewed by Human Rights Watch, Heda Kungayeva, 18, was raped and murdered by Russian forces sometime between midnight on March 26-27 and the evening of March 28, in the village of Tangi Chu south of Grozny.

According to "A.B." (not the witness's real initials), Kungayeva was at home with her father and three siblings on the night of March 26. Her siblings told A.B.'s relatives that when soldiers came near their home, Kungayeva called out to her father, warning him of the arrival of the Russian forces and telling him to leave the house to avoid arbitrary detention. Her father departed, leaving Kungayeva in the house with her siblings.

A.B. reported that when her father returned, the other children informed him that the Russian soldiers had come to the house, looked at all the children, and said, "We'd better take the pretty woman."

The Russian soldiers then took Kungayeva away. "B.D." (not the witness's true initials) told Human Rights Watch that on the night of March 26-27, B.D. heard screaming and shooting from the Kungayevs' house. B.D. ran to the Kungayevs' house just after midnight.

Mr. Kungayev told B.D. that his 18-year-old daughter had just been taken away by Russian contract soldiers in an armored personnel carrier (APC). B.D. reported to Human Rights Watch that the sound of the APC pulling away from the village was still audible.

Villagers followed the APC to the edge of Tangi Chu, and watched it return to the Russian military positions in the mountains surrounding the village. On March 27, a group of villagers obtained permission from local Russian forces to travel to Urus-Martan, seven kilometers from Tangi Chu, to search for Kungayeva.

They believed that she might have been taken to one of two detention facilities run by Russian forces in that town. A.B. and B.D. both reported to Human Rights Watch that on March 28, a Russian commander in Urus Martan told the group of villagers that Kungayeva was dead, and had been raped by drunken men.

He promised to find and punish the perpetrators, and to return the corpse. The witnesses told Human Rights Watch that Kungayeva's body was returned on the evening of March 28. They said that her body was badly disfigured.

Human Rights Watch has collected evidence of another rape, earlier this year, at the Kavkaz military checkpoint near the border with Ingushetia.

Alisa (not her real name) reported to Human Rights Watch that in the last week of January, while traveling by bus with Maya (not her real name) from Chechnya to Ingushetia, the bus was stopped at the Kavkaz Russian military checkpoint, manned by Russian contract soldiers.

Ostensibly because the photograph of Alisa in her passport no longer resembled her current appearance, the soldiers detained her, together with Maya. The bus driver pleaded with the soldiers not to detain the women, but the soldiers responded that the women would be sent back to their point of origin. The driver left. Alisa and Maya were taken to separate underground shelters near the checkpoint. In Alisa's shelter were four Russian soldiers who accused her of being a sniper.

They gave her a gun and told her to dismantle it, put it back together, and then shoot. Alisa told Human Rights Watch that she had never held a gun and did not know how to handle one. One of the soldiers hit her with either his wrist or fist, and Alisa fell to the floor. Two other soldiers began kicking her. The soldiers told Alisa, "You will never have children again." Then the soldiers raped her. Some time later, Maya was brought into the underground shelter where Alisa was being held.

According to Alisa, Maya was covered in blood and her mouth was cut. Alisa told Human Rights Watch that Maya said she had also been raped. Alisa told Human Rights Watch that she believes Chechen fighters paid the Russian forces for their release. She spent three weeks in bed recovering from the abuse.

Rape is considered a war crime under Protocol II additional to the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits it in its Article Four (Fundamental Guarantees), "at any time, and in any place whatsoever outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment, rape, enforced prostitution, and any form of indecent assault."


Wednesday, 17 September 2008

The world’s strangest rape cases

The world’s oldest rape victim

It could be the 98-year-old woman at an Australian nursing home. As reported by ABC TV in February 2006, the woman suffering from dementia was raped three times in a nursing home in Victoria State by a staff members. In addition, he also allegedly abused other residents.

The world’s oldest person on whom rape was attempted

In June 2006, the BBC reported that Paul Blackwood broke into a 101-year-old woman’s house in West Midlands, United Kingdom, in November 2005 and attempted to rape her.

The world’s strangest rape case (I)

In February 2007, The Oregonian reported that Georgie Audean Buoy, an 82-year-old woman, and described as a “kind old church volunteer who enjoys gardening”, has been sentenced to 3 years jail for having a sexual relationship with an 11-year-old boy in The Dalles, Oregon, USA. Even residents of the town where it happened are still having a hard time believing it. She was apparently a foster mother to the boy and was arrested a year ago in the town with a population of 12,000. The DA felt compelled to offer a copy of her taped confession to quell the protests of the many doubters. Buoy has been a member of the local church for more than 20 years, greeted parishioners on Sundays and welcomed those in need to stay at her house. The pastor summed it up: “This is one of those things that’s unexplainable to us”.

The world’s strangest rape case (II)

Apparently, in November 2004, reported that a cat named Timka raped a woman in Russia - she was hospitalised with “severe injuries to her genitals”. How did it happen? Well, 2 women, Vera and Svetlana wanted to er… “experience sexual pleasure via intimate contact with a cat.” Yep, zoophilia, bestiality, whatever you call it was on the cards. Can’t really blame the cat, can you?

Full story after the jump.

When the ambulance arrived at the woman’s house, Svetlana was lying on the sofa wearing only a jumper, and had streaks of blood on her legs. Her friend Vera could not explain what had happened. Initially doctors thought that a maniac had attacked Svetlana, but imagine their shock, when she confessed her indescretions after her recovery.


Monday, 23 June 2008

Rape Victim ordered 200 lashes and prison by Saudi judges

What can be called a travesty of judiciary, the Saudi Arabia's Higher Judicial Council has actually sentenced a rape victim to receive 200 lashes and prison while the perpetrators of humanity, most heinous crime were allowed to walk free.

The 19-year-old Shiite woman who was raped by six armed men was originally sentenced to receive 90 lashes for traveling in the car of an unrelated male at the time of the rape. However after the woman had the temerity of not unquestioningly submitting herself to be tortured as punishment of being raped, the judges on Saudi Arabia's Higher Judicial Council more than doubled her punishment for attempting to influence the judiciary through the media.

Saturday, 21 June 2008

Muslim leader blames women for sex attacks

(October 25, 2006)

Women are abandoned "meat" and temptations from Satan. All this justifies Sharia provisions about veiling, of course, and thus is part of the overall imperative to impose Sharia on the rest of us.

Taj Din al-Hilali has a history of outrageous statements.

By Richard Kerbaj in The Australian, with thanks to David:

THE nation's most senior Muslim cleric has blamed immodestly dressed women who don't wear Islamic headdress for being preyed on by men and likened them to abandoned "meat" that attracts voracious animals.

In a Ramadan sermon that has outraged Muslim women leaders, Sydney-based Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali also alluded to the infamous Sydney gang rapes, suggesting the attackers were not entirely to blame.

While not specifically referring to the rapes, brutal attacks on four women for which a group of young Lebanese men received long jail sentences, Sheik Hilali said there were women who "sway suggestively" and wore make-up and immodest dress ... "and then you get a judge without mercy (rahma) and gives you 65 years".

"But the problem, but the problem all began with who?" he asked....

In the religious address on adultery to about 500 worshippers in Sydney last month, Sheik Hilali said: "If you take out uncovered meat and place it outside on the street, or in the garden or in the park, or in the backyard without a cover, and the cats come and eat it ... whose fault is it, the cats or the uncovered meat?

"The uncovered meat is the problem."

The sheik then said: "If she was in her room, in her home, in her hijab, no problem would have occurred."

He said women were "weapons" used by "Satan" to control men.

"It is said in the state of zina (adultery), the responsibility falls 90 per cent of the time on the woman. Why? Because she possesses the weapon of enticement (igraa)."


concernedheart says:

Women are abandoned "meat" and temptations from Satan????

Is this statement made by another SATAN?

Will  you ever call your mother as an abandoned meat?

Stop being narrow minded & stop blaming women's attire!

Why don't you blame the men who is not being religious?I'm sure no religion will ever teach a man to commit such a morally repugnant behavior(to rape or brutalize)!
A victim can never be blamed for the detrimental act the merciless animal(s).

This is not an issue which concerns only muslims,its a worldwide issue, so let us all be united and fight over this horrendous act!

Thursday, 19 June 2008

Child Abuse & Incest

Dear readers,
While reading thru some articles on sexual abuse,i came across this useful information and would to share it with you all.
The information below is basically related to children who have been sexually abused.

If at all any of the signs or symptoms present in your child's behaviour,please be more attentive and make a further move towards identifying your child's problem.

Hopefully we can protect more kids from getting abused and we shall create a secured environment for their childhood.

Forgetting Childhood Rape/Abuse

It is not rare for people to say they don't remember an abuse experience that actually happened.

It is not rare for people to report that there were times when they didn't remember an abuse experience that they remember now.

When people say these things, we try to describe and explain what they are reporting with psychological constructs:


Three crucial points:

1. "Amnesia" is a descriptive construct. It directs our attention to the condition of being unable to remember experiences like childhood sexual abuse.

2. "Repression" and "dissociation" are explanatory constructs. They point to hypothesized psychological mechanisms that may be responsible for the condition of amnesia.

3. All constructs exist on a continuum from descriptive to explanatory. When it comes to empirical evidence of traumatic and recovered memories, dissociation is more descriptive of more empirical evidence than is repression.

It is not rare for people to say that at some point they came to remember a past abuse experience which they had not previously remembered.

Signs of Sexual Abuse

Because most children cannot or do not tell about being sexually abused, it is up to concerned adults to recognize signs of abuse. Physical evidence of abuse is rare. Therefore, we must look for behavior signs. Unfortunately, there is no one behavior alone that definitely determines a child has been sexually abused.

The following are general behavior changes that may occur in children who have been sexually abused:

Physical complaints:

  • Fear or dislike of certain people or places

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Headaches/Migraines (nausea)

  • School problems

  • Withdrawal from family, friends, or usual activities

  • Excessive bathing or poor hygiene

  • Return to younger, more babyish behavior

  • Depression

  • Anxiety (social anxiety)

  • Discipline problems

  • Running away

  • Eating disorders

  • Passive or overly pleasing behavior

  • Delinquent acts

  • Low self-esteem

  • Self-destructive behavior

  • Hostility or aggression

  • Drug or alcohol problems

  • Sexual activity or pregnancy at an early age

  • Suicide attempts

  • Additional Symptoms

Children who have been sexually abused frequently have more specific symptoms:

  • Copying adult sexual behavior

  • Persistent sexual play with other children, themselves, toys or pets

  • Displaying sexual knowledge, through language or behavior, that is beyond what is normal for their age

  • Unexplained pain, swelling, bleeding or irritation of the mouth, genital or anal area; urinary infections; sexually transmitted diseases

  • Hints, indirect comments or statements about the abuse

The Silent Problem

Often children do not tell anyone about sexual abuse because they:

  • are too young to put what has happened into words

  • were threatened or bribed by the abuser to keep the abuse a secret

  • feel confused by the attention and feelings accompanying the abuse

  • are afraid no one will believe them

  • blame themselves or believe the abuse is punishment for being "bad"

  • feel too ashamed or embarrassed to tell

  • worry about getting into trouble or getting a loved one into trouble

Silence enables sexual abuse to continue. Silence protects sexual offenders and hurts children who are being abused. Sexual abuse is an extremely difficult and damaging experience. Today there are many resources to help victims and their families. Children no longer need to suffer in silence.

Children who have been sexually abused feel many different (and often overwhelming) emotions, including:

of the abuser
of causing trouble
of losing adults important to them
of being taken away from home
of being "different"

at the abuser
at other adults around them who did not protect them
at themselves (feeling as if they caused trouble)

because "something is wrong with me"
because they feel alone in their experience
because they have trouble talking about the abuse

about having something taken from them
about losing a part of themselves
about growing up too fast
about being betrayed by someone they trusted

for not being able to stop the abuse
for believing they "consented" to the abuse
for "telling"--if they told
for keeping the secret--if they did not tell

about being involved in the experience
about their bodies' response to the abuse

because they may still love the abuser
because their feelings change all the time

Protecting Children,

As concerned adults, we want to protect children from sexual abuse, but we can't always be there to do that. We can, however, teach children about sexual abuse in order to increase their awareness and coping skills. Without frightening children, we can provide them with appropriate safety information and support at every stage of their development.

We can provide personal safety information to children in a matter- of-fact way, with other routine safety discussions about fire, water, health, etc. Although even the best educated child cannot always avoid sexual abuse, children who are well prepared will be more likely to tell you if abuse has occurred. This is a child's best defense. In order to protect children, teach them:

  • to feel good about themselves and know they are loved, valued and deserve to be safe

  • the difference between safe and unsafe touches

  • the proper names for all body parts, so they will be able to communicate clearly

  • that safety rules apply to all adults, not just strangers

  • that their bodies belong to them and nobody has the right to touch them or hurt them

  • that they can say "no" to requests that make them feel uncomfortable--even from a close relative or family friend

  • to report to you if any adult asks them to keep a secret

  • that some adults have problems

  • that they can rely on you to believe and protect them if they tell you about abuse

  • that they are not bad or to blame for sexual abuse

  • to tell a trusted adult about abuse even if they are afraid of what may happen


Tuesday, 17 June 2008 abuse

FONTANA, Calif. - A group of boys who posed as a 15-year-old girl for an Internet prank ended up helping police arrest a 48-year-old man who tried to meet the fictitious teenager for sex, authorities said.

The five boys had created a fake profile of a girl on — a social networking Web site — to cheer up a friend who had recently broken up with his girlfriend.

But soon, a man began sending messages to the “girl” and their conversations began to have sexual overtones, said Fontana police Sgt. William Megenney.

The man also sent the “girl” his picture and arranged to meet her at a public park. The boys went to the park and, when the man arrived, they called police.

Michael Ramos, 48, of Fontana, was booked into West Valley Detention Center on Monday for investigation of felony attempted lewd and lascivious conduct with a child and for an outstanding warrant, Megenney said.

He was being held at the West Valley Detention Center on $105,000 bail, according to the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Web site.

A dispatcher who answered the telephone at the center early Tuesday said the facility does not allow phone interviews with inmates. It was not immediately known whether Ramos had a lawyer.

Two men were arrested last week in what prosecutors said were the first federal sexual assault charges involving MySpace. The unrelated cases involved Connecticut girls who were 11 and 14, the FBI said.

concernedheart says:

Thousands of us may have a's account.Hopefully this case will be a lesson for us to be aware of strangers who we meet thru online messages and thru online chat rooms.

Never make a decision to send your photo to strangers thru emails,messengers and etc-you will never know what are they up to and it may be noxious to your safety once this strangers recognise you.

Once again,never fall for sweet words-the person may type many wonderful words to make u as a prey of lust.There is no reason for a stranger to be sweet to you unless he is up to something negative or trying to impress you to fall for his/her trap.

If a online contact calls you out after a few messages or conversations,please reject their invitation immediately-you don't even have to reason out why,its concerning your safety,try to avoid this person from further messaging or chatting because they may keep on bugging your life.
Its simple-just BLOCK them from your contact.

Parents should play a major role concerning this social problem.They should always monitor their kids' activities and their contacts as well.
Children may get easily irritated when their parent interferes with their activities,this is where parents should be smart to handle their kids rather than showing their superiority as parents by scolding them or beating them-its useless.
A smart and loving parenthood starts when a child is treated like a good friend(being more casual with their kids),thru this a deeper and easier understanding achieved between parents and children therefore children will never tend to be secretive.

Lately there many internet social network sevice accenting on friendship or on making new friends ,we can never escape from signing up for any one of it since our friends or batch mates might be having an account.Its a good idea and opportunity to keep your friend's contact in more organised form but please be cautious of the new people who contacts you...never trust them or their identity as they may just lie/have a fake account to catch your attention.

Be prudent from getting cheated by online contacts,avoid strangers,never give out your details to them.

Alittle survey

I posted all those old cases to just run a small survey about who frequently involved in sexual abuse.

As far as i concern,most of the cases were committed by those are close to the victims-mother,father,grandmother,teachers,siblings,friends and etc.

Many may think that sexual abuse is only committed by men-well that's not true.I have searched ample of cases to post and proof that even women commit such a sinful act.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Teacher pregnant again, apparently by her 14-year-old lover

16 March 1998
REUTERS / Martin Wolk

Ex-Washington Teacher Could Face More Charges

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON - The revelation that an imprisoned former teacher is pregnant again, apparently by her 14-year-old lover, increases the likelihood she will face new child rape charges, her lawyer said Sunday.

David Gehrke confirmed that former grade school teacher Mary L. is six weeks pregnant and plans to give birth at the Washington Corrections Center for Women. She entered the state's only women's prison last month to start serving an 89-month sentence stemming from the relationship with her former student.

"She's adamant she's not going to terminate the pregnancy," said Gehrke, who spoke to Mary L. Saturday.

"She's happy because a life has been created," he said. "From her own moral and religious background (she feels) it's a gift from God anytime a life is created."

Mary L. originally was sentenced to six months in jail after pleading guilty to second degree child rape, with the longer sentence suspended on condition that she get counseling and refrain from any further contact with the boy.

But just a month after her release, she and the boy were caught together in a car at 2:30 a.m. after spending an evening at the movies.

Women Who Make Child Pornography

- - Women Who Make Pornographic Pictures of Child Sex - -

1)Sexual self-abuse: Teen girl charged with posting nude photos on Internet


A 15-year-old girl has been arrested for taking nude photographs of her self and posting them on the Internet, police said.

She has been charged with sexual abuse of children, possession of child pornography and dissemination of child pornography.

2)2 March 1999
Child Porn: Mom Faces Felony Charge
MODESTO BEE / KEN CARLSON,1113,116090,00.html

Mom faces felony in Net exploitation of girl

MANTECA, CALIFORNIA -- A 34-year-old woman accused of putting nude pictures of her 15-year-old daughter on the Internet is now facing felony charges after authorities said evidence of more extensive sexual conduct was found on a computer seized at the family's home.

San Joaquin County prosecutors levied only misdemeanor charges when she was arraigned Oct. 18, four days after detectives arrested the woman at the home, seizing a video camera and computer equipment.

The mother reportedly told detectives she had taken pictures of the girl disrobing and transmitted the images through a free chat room.

Authorities increased three of the charges to felonies last week, meaning the woman could serve up to four years and four months in state prison if convicted.

The woman, whose name is being withheld to protect the identity of her daughter, is charged with sexually exploiting a child, using a child to model for obscene material, and contributing to the delinquency of a child.

Authorities charge that the woman had been taping and putting pornography on the Internet for almost two months.


Second porn arrest in as many days

BUFFALO, NY (UPI) _ Another North Tonawandan has been arrested for child pornography for allegedly having 70 pictures of children performing sex acts. Yesterday (Thursday) a 30-year-old woman was arrested for promoting sexual acts among children and taking the 70 photographs of children 5-to-14 years of age.

4)11 Feb 1998

Mom Allegedly E-Mailed Nude Photos

CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA - A woman was charged with child abuse for allegedly e-mailing nude photos of her 15-year-old daughter to men, then arranging for the girl to have sex with them.

Police learned of the encounters after the daughter, now 17, confided in a friend in September, Investigator V.K. Rivera said.

The 44-year-old mother made contact with three men in Internet chat rooms in 1995 and 1996, posing as a 17-year-old girl, Rivera said.

The identity of the Charlotte woman was not released to protect the daughter's identity.

Miami Herald

Hollywood Police have arrested a 20-year-old woman on charges that she sexually abused two young boys and took pornographic pictures.

The incident allegedly took place in October. The father of one of the boys, who walked in while his son was being assaulted, did not report the crime until December, Hollywood Police spokeswoman Stephanie Norris said.

Sunday, 15 June 2008

Little Girls Who Rape

- - Little Girls Who Rape - -

1)15 OCT 1998

Girl Faces Tests Before Trial On Rape Charges

A 12-year-old Pontiac girl charged with raping her younger brother will undergo psychological testing to determine if she is fit to stand trial.

Oakland County Chief Circuit Judge Edward Sosnick ordered the testing Wednesday after talks between prosecutors and the girl's defense attorney about a possible plea bargain broke down....

2)17 March 1998

Another child has been charged in an alleged juvenile sex ring at a Reston middle school.

Fairfax County police say a 12-year-old Reston girl allegedly solicited other girls to take part in a sex-for-hire scheme. She appeared in juvenile court today, where the judge set trial for April 17. A 13-year-old student at the Langston Hughes School has already been charged with similar activities.

3)20 June 97

12-Year-Old Girl Charged with Rape

WATERTOWN, N.Y. (AP) -- Police have charged a 12-year-old girl with sexually abusing a 9-year-old boy four times over a two-month period.

The incidents involved sexual intercourse and genital fondling and occurred in the boy's bedroom during December and January, Jefferson County Sheriff's Detective Mark D. DeVito said Friday.

Though no force was involved, the girl has been charged with first-degree rape and sexual assault charges because of the boy's age, DeVito said. He refused to release how the children knew each other, but added that they were not related.

The boy's parents were unaware of the incidents until the youth told them, DeVito said. The parents then sought an investigation.

Babysitters Who Rape

Lets briefly take a look at some rapes cases which took place few years back.

- - Babysitters Who Rape - -


Woman Is Convicted Of Corrupting Minor

A 32-year-old Medina woman was found guilty Friday, by Medina County Common Pleas Judge Judith Cross after pleading no contest to a charge of corrupting a minor.

Nancy R. was convicted of engaging in sexual conduct with a 14-year-old boy she reportedly was baby-sitting last October in Brunswick, according to court and police records.

2)3 Dec 1997

Babysitter charged with abuse after suspicious dad installed camera

M.D., 28, was ordered held without bail, after she pleaded innocent to one count each of sodomy and sexual abuse in an appearance before Nassau District Court Judge Michael S. Alonge.

Police said the babysitter allegedly had the toddler touch her and perform oral sodomy.

More and more parents are using hidden cameras to find out what goes on when the babysitter is alone with the children. The recent trial of English au pair Louise Woodward, convicted in the death of an 8-month-old, sent many concerned parents scrambling to video retailers.

3)24 Nov 1997
Houston Chronicle

Woman Charged in Assault

A woman was charged Monday with aggravated sexual assault of a 9-year-old boy.

Julia W., 39, was held in lieu of $40,000 bail after Pasadena police arrested her Monday afternoon.

Police spokesman Sgt. J.M Baird said the boy's father went out of town for a weekend in September and left him in Julia W.'s care.

4)15 Jan 98

Peabody Baby Sitter Pleads Innocent to Raping a Boy

SALEM, MA (AP) - A 40-year-old Peabody woman pleaded innocent Thursday to charges of raping a boy she baby-sat over a three-year period.

Prosecutors said Linda R. molested the boy - a son of her friend - between 1994 and 1997, when he was 7 to 10 years old.

5)3 Dec 1997

HEMPSTEAD, NY _ A 28-year-old Long Island nanny is being held without bail on charges she forced her 2-year-old charge to perform oral sex. Police in Nassau County say the little girl's parents caught nanny Maria D. on videotape with a secret camera in the den of their Rockville Centre home.

Friday, 13 June 2008

Why some men rape


MANY people have said that even grandmothers and small babies have been raped, yet they are not sexily dressed and the women's clothes should not be a factor in the rising number of rape cases in the country.

Don't these people know that rapists rape women of their fantasies? And under all the layers of covering, they know that there is still a woman, the “sexy” woman of their fantasies.

These rapists are normal human beings; they do everything that other men do. But deep inside them there is resentment. And with continued exposure to films, TV programmes, magazines and even newspapers that often show women wearing clothes that many people consider to be revealing, sooner or later, the rapists in them emerge.

Yes, believe it or not, sports too encourage such men to dwell on their weird fantasies especially when they see young women and under-aged girls wearing skimpy clothes or swimsuits live on TV.

The quest to win gold medals in sporting events have even forced pious Muslim women in Malaysia especially to discard their religious values on aurat, and the sports and other political authorities too don't seem to mind.

Olympic gold medals, or even the lowly ranked South-East Asian Games or SEA Games bronze medals are enough temptation for these women to push aside religious values.

And these potential rapists are everywhere. They may be your close friends, relatives or husband, but they are not rapists yet if they do not have the victims.

And the victims are not those women they often see in the media wearing skimpy clothes because these women are often in the company of other women and men. And they do not parade their skimpy clothes in the secluded areas, but in public places.

However, there are some women and girls who go about on their own, riding motorcycles in the woods, walk in a deserted lane to go to college and go to the deserted car parks at night with their equally young boyfriend because they had seen movies showing young couples doing the same thing.

The girl thinks just because her young boyfriend is there, she is also safe. But doesn't she realise that if they are confronted by several men who are older and stronger than the boy, she will become a victim?

I have read many cases of rapes taking place and they happened in secluded places including in the buses and taxis. Yes, the buses and taxis are forms of public transportation but only if there are many other passengers in them. However, if there is only a single woman passenger and the driver, then the bus and taxi can become another person's bedroom.

I hope those who say that even women and small babies have been raped, yet they are not sexily dressed and are too old or too young, must also admit the fact that these old women and small babies are not what they are to the rapists.

Cheras, Selangor.

concernedheart says:

mansor putih,did you write this  when you are mentally well?
are you justifying the act of a rapist?

oh man,how could you say that sport women's dressing can provoke lust?your point of view is so immatured and ill.sports suppose to be a healthy programme for all age,mainly for teenagers and school students where it can be a good inspiration for them to join sports and spend their time fruitfully.

can i ask you something,by watching tv programmes you can provoked?do you how many of us watching tv daily all over the world????oh god,do you have a tv at home?who do you rape daily after watching tv programmes which casted by sexily-dressed women????

lets look at some statistics:
2,431 rape cases happened in 2006 (source: Polis Di Raja Malaysia, 2007)
total population in 2006: 26.64 million people
0.02% of Malaysian men rape women
so in your opinion the balance 99.98% of men who watch TV or read newspapers do not rape women??

mansor please clear my doubts...are you a rapist?

in my opinion the victim can never be pointed as the cause,mansor have you read fathers raping daughters? will you blame the daughter in that situation?if you are saying clothing is a factor,let me ask you something:
when a rich man gets robbed-will you blame him for being robbed because he is rich and not the robber?
cloths of a woman can never be a factor,its all about the man's self control and his inner moral in looking at things positively.

for instance,a medical student or a doctor will have to see a naked body almost the whole course or thruout his profession,just imagine if he doesnt inherit moral values and a positive mind-he might be raping daily otherwise!!!

failing to control lust,exposure to social illness and psychological disorders are main factors for a man to commit rape in my opinion.

about girls who are having boyfriends....mansor they dont have worry about the secondary risk(a stronger or elder person than her boyfriend),her own boyfriend(s) is her first risk i would say...this based on many incidents of girlfriends got raped by their own boyfriend(s).

and about the public transportation,
i have travelled many times alone in a bus since my stop is the last one,
there was never an occasion where the bus driver took advantage by transforming the bus into bedroom,mansor-ur suggestion on public transport is an insult for those dedicated bus drivers.
1000s of girls travelling by taxis daily,do we hear 1000s of rape cases in a day which committed by taxi drivers?
just because one or two drivers commit such a cruel act,we can judge the entire public transport drivers are transforming their bus and cabs into bedroom.

mansor stop being a narrow minded person!
brush up your mind and view before writting an article to the public otherwise you gonna get massive banging from readers!

Malaysian Women's Groups & NGOs

Useful Contacts

All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)
85 Jalan 21/1, Sea Park
46300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-78774221
Fax: 03-78743312

Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO)
P.O. Box 493, Jalan Sultan
46760 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-79563488/79554426
Fax: 03-79586287

Sisters in Islam
25 Jalan 5/31
46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-79606121
Fax: 03-79604737

Pertubuhan Tindakan Wanita Islam (PERTIWI)
63 Jalan SS3/53 Kelana Jaya
47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-78744203
Fax: 03-78752935

Sarawak Women for Women Society (SWWS)
P.O.Box 551
93712 Sarawak
Tel/Fax: 082-416053

Shelter for Women and Children Seremban
PT5326 Jalan Dato’ Abdullah
70200 Seremban
Tel: 06-7678600
Fax: 06-7617266

Women’s Welfare Council
409 Babington Avenue
10450 Penang
Tel: 04-2298355
Fax: 04-2290806

Asian Women’s Resource Centre (AWRC)
119C-2 Batu 3½ Jalan Kelang Lama
58000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-79849734
Fax: 03-79844227

Asia Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW)
80 & 82, 3rd Floor,
Jalan Tun Sambathan
50470 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-22739913
Fax: 03-22739916

Association of Women Lawyers (AWL)
Suite 102, 1st Floor Loke Yew Building
4 Jalan Mahkamah Persekutuan
50050 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 02-20533277
Fax: 03-29531280

International Women’s Rights Action Watch-Asia Pacific (IWRAW-AP)
Wisma Dicklin
80-B Jalan Bangsar
59200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-22822255
Fax: 03-22832552

Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC)
Women Committee
Wisma MTUC
10-5 Jalan USJ 9/5T
47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-80242953
Fax: 03-80243225

Malaysian Women in Ministry and Theology (MWWT)
Block A-4-405-417
SD Tiara Apartment
1 Jalan Damar
Bandar Seri Damansara
52200 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-77852686
Fax: 03-20942646

National Council of Women’s Organisation (NCWO)
46 Jalan 14/29
46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-79543008
Fax: 03-79542881

National Council of Women’s Organisation (NCWO), Penang Branch
409 Babington Avenue
10450 Penang
Tel: 04-2298355
Fax: 04-2290803

P.O. Box 511
89507 Penampang
Tel: 088-712518
Fax: 088-718669

Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
(Women’s Section)
1 Jalan Maharajalela
50150 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-22746645
Fax: 03-22724089

Sabah Women’s Action Resource Group
Lot 23, 3rd Floor, Block C, Damai Point
88300 Kota Kinabalu
Tel/Fax: 088-262921

Women’s Development Collective (WDC)
13 Jalan 4/48E, Section 4
46500 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-77844977
Fax: 03-77844978

Malaysian Child Resource Institute (MCRI)
P.O. Box 1148
Jalan Pantai Baru
59700 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-22828887
Fax: 03-74931224

P.S. The Children
2nd Floor, Bangunan GB
No. 66-C Jalan Petaling Utama
Taman Petaling Utama
46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Tel: 03-77844344
Fax: 03-77844322

Pertubuhan Jemaah Islah Malaysia (JIM)
64, Tingkat 2
Lebuh Bukit Kecil Satu
Taman Sri Nibong
11900 Sungai Nibong, Pulau Pinang
Tel/Fax: 04-6452740

Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor
21 Jalan Muhibbah 8
Taman Muhibbah
43000 Kajang, Selangor
Tel/Fax: 03-87378380

Talian Segera Penderaan Kanak-kanak (Buka 24 jam)
Tel: 1-800-883040

India Facts on Prostitution

13-year-old Mira of Nepal was offered a job as a domestic worker in Bombay, India. She arrived at a brothel on Bombay’s Falkland Road, where tens of thousands of young women are displayed in row after row of zoo-like animal cages. Her father had been duped into giving her to a trafficker. When she refused to have sex, she was dragged into a torture chamber in a dark alley used for ‘breaking in’ new girls. She was locked in a narrow, windowless room without food or water. On the fourth day, one of the madam’s thugs goonda wrestled her to the floor and banged her head against the concrete until she passed out. When she awoke, she was naked; a rattan cane smeared with pureed red chili peppers shoved into her vagina. Later she was raped by the goonda........

Afterwards, she complied with their demands. The madam told Mira that she had been sold to the brothel for 50,000 rupees (about US$1,700), that she had to work until she paid off her debt. Mira was sold to a client who then became her pimp. (Robert I. Freidman, "India’s Shame: Sexual Slavery and Political Corruption Are Leading to An AIDS Catastrophe," The Nation, 8 April 1996)

India, along with Thailand and the Philippines, has 1.3 million children in its sex-trade centers. The children come from relatively poorer areas and are trafficked to relatively richer ones. (Soma Wadhwa, "For sale childhood," Outlook, 1998)

India and Paksitan are the main destinations for children under 16 who are trafficked in south Asia. (Masako Iijima, "S. Asia urged to unite against child prostitution," Reuters, 19 June 1998).

Districts bordering Maharashtra and Karnataka, known as the "devadasi belt," have trafficking structures operating at various levels. The women here are in prostitution either because their husbands deserted them, or they are trafficked through coercion and deception. Many are devadasi dedicated into prostitution for the goddess Yellamma. In one Karnataka brothel, all 15 girls are devadasi. (Meena Menon, "The Unknown Faces")

Women and children from India are sent to nations of the Middle East daily. Girls in prostitution and domestic service in India, Pakistan and the Middle East are tortured, held in virtual imprisonment, sexually abused, and raped. (Indrani Sinha, SANLAAP India, "Paper on Globalization and Human Rights")

In Bombay, children as young as 9 are bought for up to 60,000 rupees, or US$2,000, at auctions where Arabs bid against Indian men who believe sleeping with a virgin cures gonorrhea and syphilis. (Robert I. Freidman, "India’s Shame: Sexual Slavery and Political Corruption Are Leading to An AIDS Catastrophe," The Nation, 8 April 1996)

160,000 Nepalese women are held in India's brothels. (Executive Director of SANLAAP, Indrani Sinha, Paper on Globalization and Human Rights")

About 5,000-7,000 Nepalese girls are trafficked to India every day. 100,000-160,000 Nepalese girls are prostituted in brothels in India. About 45,000 Nepalese girls are in the brothels of Bombay and 40,000 in Calcutta. (Women’s groups in Nepal, ‘Trafficking in Women and Children: The Cases of Bangladesh, pp.8 & 9, UBINIG, 1995)

In 1982, 13 year old Tulasa was abducted from a village near Kathmandu in Nepal and sold to a brothel in Bombay. She was dressed in European-style clothes and taken to luxury hotels to serve mostly Arab clients until a hotel manager called the police. Hospitalized, Tulasa was found to be suffering from three types of venereal disease and tuberculosis. (Robert I. Freidman, "India’s Shame: Sexual Slavery and Political Corruption Are Leading to An AIDS Catastrophe," The Nation, 8 April 1996)

There are approximately 10 million prostitutes in India. (Human Rights Watch, Robert I. Freidman, "India’s Shame: Sexual Slavery and Political Corruption Are Leading to An AIDS Catastrophe," The Nation, 8 April 1996)

There are more than 100,000 women in prostitution in Bombay, Asia’s largest sex industry center. (Robert I. Freidman, "India’s Shame: Sexual Slavery and Political Corruption Are Leading to An AIDS Catastrophe," The Nation, 8 April 1996)

At least 2,000 women are in prostitution along the Baina beachfront in Goa. (Frederick Moronha, India Abroad News Service, 9 August 1997)

There are 300,000-500,000 children in prostitution in India. (Rahul Bedi, "Bid To Protect Children As Sex Tourism Spreads,"London’s Daily Telegraph, 23 August, 1997)

90% of the 100,000 women in prostitution in Bombay are indentured slaves. (Robert I. Freidman, "India’s Shame: Sexual Slavery and Political Corruption Are Leading to An AIDS Catastrophe," The Nation, 8 April 1996)

Of 1,000 red light districts all over India, cage prostitutes are mostly minors, often from Nepal and Bangladesh. (CATW - Asia Pacific, Trafficking in Women and Prostitution in the Asia Pacific)

The red light district in Bombay generates at least $400 million a year in revenue, with 100,000 prostitutes servicing men 365 days a year, averaging 6 customers a day, at $2 each. (Robert I. Freidman, "India’s Shame: Sexual Slavery and Political Corruption Are Leading to An AIDS Catastrophe," The Nation, 8 April 1996)


Date Rape Drugs

Rohypnol, GHB (and it's analogs), and Ketamine are considered date rape drugs because of their sedative effects. These drugs are also referred to as "predatory" drugs.

These drugs are often undetectable as they are odorless and colorless when mixed with water. The drugs tend to have a salty taste, but, when mixed with alcohol, soda, or other beverages, they are virtually undetectable. The drugs also metabolize quickly in the body leaving little physical evidence that an attack occurred. These drugs can also cause "blackouts" or anterograde amnesia where a person is unable to recall what happened to them.


  • Do not take a beverage from someone you do not trust.
  • Do not leave your beverage unattended.
  • Do not take a drink from a punch bowl.


Get help right away by requesting a drug screen. Date rape drugs are metabolized in the body very quickly and may be difficult to detect (in as little as 12 hours).


Male Rape

Facts about Men and Rape
  • Men get raped by other men and even women
  • Rapists who rape men are heterosexual in 98% of the cases
  • Both homosexual and heterosexual men get raped
  • In all parts of society (not just in prisons)
  • Men are less likely to report rape

Most of us grow up thinking that rape happens only to women.
If male rape survivors think so too, they may feel isolated and alone.
If people in our community believe that, they may further this sense of isolation on the part of male rape survivors.

Men usually share many of the same feelings of female sexual assault survivors. They may feel:
  • guilty
  • powerless
  • concern regarding their safety
  • denial
  • shock
  • anger

There are, however, special issues that may be different for men:
  • concerns about sexuality and/or masculinity
  • medical procedures
  • reporting to law enforcement
  • telling others
  • finding resources and support

Strong or weak, outgoing or withdrawn, homosexual or heterosexual, old or young, male or female; no one does anything that justifies sexual assault.

Myths about Men and Rape

No matter what was said or done or worn, no one "asks for" or deserves to be assaulted. Sexual assault has nothing to do with someone's present or future sexual orientation. Sexual assault is a crime of violence and power, not of lust or passion.

Unfortunately, many doctors, nurses, and law enforcement officers do not realize that men as well as women may be sexually assaulted. This may affect the way they treat men who have been raped. Sometimes a stereotyped view of masculinity, rather than the physical assault of the crime becomes the focus of the medical exam or law enforcement investigation.

Two myths about homosexuality may also affect the way men are treated. Many people wrongly believe that only gay men get raped. Many people also believe that assaults against men are committed only by gay men. Both of these are myths, not facts, but they may affect the way male rape survivors are treated, and/or how male survivors feel about the assault and themselves afterwards.

What Can We Do
  • Recognize that men and boys can and will be sexually assaulted.
  • Be aware of the biases and myths concerning sexual assault.
  • Recognize that the harmful sex-role stereotypes which create narrow definitions of masculinity, as well as lies about homosexuality, make it difficult for male survivors to disclose about being raped.
  • As individuals and as a community we must work to combat and challenge these attitudes.
  • It is important that male rape survivors have support around them and that they be able to make their own decisions about what course of action to take.


Unfortunately, most men do not recognize that there is a problem here, and fewer still acknowledge responsibility for any part of it. As a result, rape is seen, if at all, as a "women's issue." The impression remains that men are in no way connected to sexual assault, neither in its occurrence, nor through its effects, nor by its causes.


It is important that men learn to see how this cultural reality by itself has great impact on our lives. Men are connected to this world in which women and men are assaulted and men are connected to the women who are forced to adjust their behavior accordingly. These connections--through the effects of sexual violence against women--should not be for men a "women's issue." As women are affected whether or not they are actually raped, men's lives are greatly changed whether or not they are actually assailants.


Men rape. This Is Fact One, and no discussion of sexual assault should distract us from this reality. Historically, men have always denied and evaded Fact One. This is Fact Two, and no discussion of the causes of sexual assault should deflect us from this responsibility.

Recognition of reality and acknowledgment of responsibility can come with great difficulty to most men. Evasions, denials, and defensiveness, however, miss the point and simply will no longer suffice.


The story of sexual assault in our culture is not just about rape. Rapist are not born, they are made. And remade. And the culture which makes "them" also makes "us."

The question of why some men rape is thus connected to the question of why sexual violence is tolerated. This connection exists at a double intersection: between attitudes and actions, between violence and notions of masculinity. Men are all connected to these intersections because this is where they have grown up as men.

Men have the power collectively to end rape.

Unfortunately, so far, this male collective appears to be composed mainly of men who rape, men who hold attitudes similar to rapists, and men who undoubtedly do care in their own personal lives, yet remain quiet in the community where rape occurs.

The raising of the question is far more important than its phrasing. Consider....,



  • examine your own attitudes about women and men that may reflect misconceptions about rape
  • assertively interrupt jokes, comments or actions that lead to attitudes or situations that can cause rape
  • assist women with precautions that decrease their chances of becoming victims
  • support women's actions to take charge of their own lives; to be confident and strong
  • listen to women's feelings about being victimized

  • If a woman says "no" to your sexual advances, respect that "no" at face value. Do not accept the myth that "no" means "yes."
  • In a dating or intimate relationship communicate clearly how you feel and what you want. Do not assume your date or partner feels the same way. Respect the other person's feelings and needs.
  • Be aware of situations that increase a woman's vulnerability. How would you respond if you witnessed an intoxicated woman at a party being escorted by two or three men to a bedroom.
  • Confront men who are harassing women on the street or at a party. Point out sexist comments and behavior with your friends and coworkers.
  • Tell men that you do not think rape jokes are funny.

If you feel uncomfortable confronting other men on sexist issues, then get in touch with other men who share your views. Build your confidence in how you feel and learn how you can make an impact by being an example.

Whether or not WE as individuals are violent, WE support and encourage THE MEN who rape both by the actions that support a sexist society and the inaction that condones the violence. If WE work together to educate ourselves and THE MEN around us about the devastating effects of rape and sexual assault and how WE can eliminate the violence and sexist attitudes that precipitate rape WE can make it end.


Violence generally does not erupt from nowhere. There are clues when anger is becoming unmanageable. The ways people handle their anger are divided into two general categories:


Those who stuff anger down inside themselves and deny its presence, suffer feelings of low self esteem, and self doubt, intellectualize their situations. They become progressively withdrawn, depressed, tense, until it becomes too much and they explode in violence.


Escalators are easier to identify. They begin their sentences with "you." They blame and call names. Eventually their anger escalates into a blow-up and violence.

Identifying these signs early allows more options for change.


If you are feeling out of control with your anger and think you may hurt someone or yourself, you can do something immediately to squash the impulse and leave yourself better able to deal with problems:
  • call someone
  • meditate or do breathing exercises to relax
  • take a cold shower, or relax in a hot bath
  • work on a hobby
  • go into another room and scream
  • complete or begin projects around the house or yard
  • take a "time out" and leave the scene completely for a designated time
  • hit a pillow
  • take a walk
  • exercise
  • develop a daily decompression time from work to home
  • establish regular family fun time
  • develop a positive self-confidence so that you can be assertive rather than aggressive in communicating
  • reduce the number of factors which reinforce violence in your life
  • identify activities which produce a lot of stress in your life and work on eliminating or modifying those activities
  • examine the addictions in your life which may increase the chance for violence
  • develop good health habits: eating, sleeping well and daily exercise can make a difference
  • develop fun time for yourself
  • identify groups which may provide you with support in dealing with particular problems
  • take self-help classes in communication, parent education, etc..
  • think of long term changes you wish to make to decrease the stress in your life

Sunday, 25 May 2008

The School Uniform Is To Be Blamed Now!

The National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia vice-president,Miss Munirah Bahari says uniforms, especially the white blouses worn by female students in Malaysian schools are too transparent and "encouraged rape and pre-marital sex”.

Miss Munirah Bahari, are you trying to say that students are welcoming rapist to rape them because of the uniforms they are wearing to school?

Pre-marital sex.....and uniforms?i don't see any connection between them.

Ms.Munirah your complains on the transparent white blouses are logic,u may suggest female students should wear an undergarment, such as a camisole, so that their bras are not visible through their white blouses...but you can never conclude those white blouses are a factor getting raped or encouraging pre-marital sex.

"uniform worn by girls at government schools was “sexy” and “encouraged rape and pre-marital sex” says Ms.Munirah!
Ms.Munirah,have you read about cases of fathers raping daughters,70 years old grandmother been raped by her grandson,2months old baby was raped by the step father and etc....
can you please tell me if any of these victims were looking sexy???

How can you say school uniforms making female students look sexy???
What you wore during your school days-black blouse and black skirt???

In my personal opinion,rather than blaming uniform or uniform's colour or checking whether the female students are wearing  the proper undergarments or no....etc,
the students should be given proper security in schooling areas.
if you are saying the uniform can encourage pre-marital sex.....then why don't the schools start up with early sexual education as a doing this the fellow students can be more exposed to what they should and what they shouldn't,students can be mentally prepared about their puberty period positively.

Well motivation and guidance will be easily reached among young children as they grow up following the proper guidance!

Refering  back to the  security service in schooling areas,hope the school administration hire guards to strictly monitor the school compound all time...this will be very helpful from strangers getting into school compound.About primary schools-as their students are small kids,hopefully there will be guards who can supervise whether all those kids are safely into their school bus or check out who is picking them back after school hours.

Rather than blaming things or person,lets make sure our child is safe from being a raped victim-its our responsibility to guide them and taking care of their safety.

School uniforms encourages "rape and pre-marital sex" has triggered a nationwide debate on social mores.

Kuala Lumpur, May 23 (IANS) A Malaysian student body's statement that the uniform worn by girls in government-run schools encourages "rape and pre-marital sex" has triggered a nationwide debate on social mores.

Many students, teachers and social activists are angry at the observation made by National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia's vice-president Munirah Bahari.

Bahari Wednesday said: "The white blouse is too transparent for girls and it becomes a source of attraction." She even said that girls deliberately wore the dresses "to lure men".

In multicultural Malaysia, home to majority-Muslim Malays as well as ethnic Chinese and Indians, girl students in government schools have a choice of wearing a white blouse with a knee-length skirt or pinafore. They may also wear a baju kurung, the traditional Malay dress, and a headscarf is optional for Malay students.

While calling for review of the uniform policy so that it did not violate Islamic ideals, Bahari said that "covering up" according to Islamic precepts was important to fend off social ills, including "rape, sexual harassment and even premarital sex".

Women's Aid Organisation executive director Ivy Josiah said what was needed was "a review of misguided beliefs about women's attire", not a review of the uniform policy.

"Statistics and research has shown that all women - young, old, women clad in tudung (headscarf), miniskirts, even babies in diapers - have been victims of rape and sexual assault.

"It is entirely irresponsible for anyone to suggest the idea that rape is a result of attire. Rape is not about attire, it's about power that perpetrators feel they have over their victims," Josiah said.

Norhayati Kaprawi, Sisters in Islam programme manager, said: "Something must be seriously wrong with local men if the sight of girls in their school uniform turns them on."

Many men also spoke out against Bahari, The Star reported Friday.

Men's Action Network Against Violence member David Anthony said such statements stereotyped men as people who don't see women as anything other than sex objects.

"It's the wrong attitude... it's perversion," he said.

One male teacher even suggested that instead of debating the sexiness of the uniform, focus should be directed towards male self-control.

D. Presana, a sixth form student, said: "Pre-marital sex has nothing to do with what girls wear to school. It is the people's mentality and the spiritual guidance they receive that influence their behaviour."

A teacher at a girls' school in Klang Valley said Bahari should not have made such baseless statements.

"She should carry out a study and see if our school uniform is indeed a factor that contributes to rape and pre-marital sex," she said.

The teacher added that it was compulsory for female students at her school to wear a camisole under their baju kurung, the traditional Malaysian dress, and only white and skin-coloured bras were allowed.

A Malay teacher in Malacca, however, suggested that thicker material be used to make the white blouse.

While the debate rages at the public level, the government observed silence. Women, Family and Community Development Minister Ng Yen Yen declined to comment on the issue.

School uniform worn by girls at government schools "encouraged rape and pre-marital sex"???

Malaysians condemn Islamic group's uniform comment
Kuala Lumpur | May 23, 2008 4:11:25 PM IST

The Sisters in Islam has taken umbrage over a National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia claim that the school uniform worn by girls at government schools "encouraged rape and pre-marital sex".

Describing this claim as baseless, the group's programme manager, Norhayati Kaprawi, said: "I totally disagree with the statement. What? Even wearing baju kurung is still not enough?" she asked.

"As for the white blouse being too transparent, Malay women who are in mourning wear white baju kurung. Even Umno women wear white baju kurung. So what is the issue?" The Star quoted her, as saying.

National Islamic Students Association of Malaysia Vice-President Munirah Bahari has stated that "the white blouse is too transparent for girls and it becomes a source of attraction to men, who are drawn to it, whether or not they like looking at it."

She also called for a review of the uniform policy so that it did not violate Islamic ideals.

Women's Aid Organisation executive director Ivy Josiah said what was needed was "a review of misguided beliefs about women's attire," not a review of the uniform policy.

Men's Action Network Against Violence (man.v) member David Anthony said such statements stereotyped men as people who don't see women as anything other than sex objects.

"It's the wrong attitude ... it's perversion," he said.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Life of a mother in ISA,Malaysia.

‘I was told to strip twice’, sole woman ISA detainee tells Suhakam.

A female Internal Security Act detainee told a Malaysian Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) inquiry that police officers ordered her to strip naked on two occasions and also threatened to arrest her children.

Ng Chooi Choon, 56, was detained for allegedly falsifying travel documents and being involved in the trafficking of migrant workers.

The mother of three, who also recruited foreign women to work in local nightspots, is the only female ISA detainee being held at the Kamunting Detention Centre in Taiping, Perak.

“I was asked by a constable and a corporal to take off my clothes. I was thinking maybe they wanted a free show.

“I told him that I was old enough to be their mother and then told them that they should go home and see their own mother, but I had no choice as I was in custody. They stood there and had a good look,” she told the Suhakam panel which consisted of commissioners Harun Hashim, Hamdan Adnan and Asiah Abu Samah.

Ng, who hails from Kuala Lumpur, said she was held at the Pandan Indah police station and later transferred to the Jalan Bandar police station before being sent to Kamunting where she is serving a two-year detention order, which can be extended indefinitely.

According to Ng, she was told by the police to strip twice. However, she did not specify where the alleged incidents took place.

“I reported it to the authorities only when I came to Kamunting because I was afraid the police would put pins and needles into me,” she told the inquiry.

“I also told the police officers [involved] in the incident that what they did was between themselves and their God,” she added.

Ng said the police had told her that under the ISA, she would not be allowed to meet family members or lawyers.

When told by commissioner Hamdan that it was her constitutional right to seek legal counsel, she replied: “I think those issues are too deep for me.”

She also said that police had threatened to arrest her children if she did not cooperate.

Ng later appealed to the commission for an early release, claiming that her children were being harassed by her ex-husband.

“My children need me now. My husband is trying to pimp one of my daughters so he can have an easy life. When I was around he would be afraid of going near them but now that I am inside, I cannot do anything [to protect them].

“My son who wanted to be a police officer, and was a national [sharp] shooter, also had his dreams squashed with my arrest. I want to rebuild his confidence again when I go out,” said Ng, who immediately broke down and cried.

Malaysian government should demolish this torture camp rather than increasing the number of detainees and its torture levels day by day.

ISA-stands for Internal Security Act or Internal Satanic Act?

Torture and other ill-treatment in the 'war on terror' in Malaysia

In most cases, torture and ill-treatment of ISA detainees take place during the initial 60-day investigation period. Detainees have been assaulted, forced to strip, deprived of sleep, food and water, told that their families would be harmed, and subjected to prolonged aggressive interrogation to coerce confessions or elicit information. During this period, ISA detainees are usually held in solitary confinement, often in a windowless cell where they lose all sense of time. Within a context of actual or threatened physical assault, the interrogation procedure is designed to induce a feeling of complete disorientation and dependence on the interrogators as the only point of human contact. The sense of helplessness is exacerbated by their knowledge that access to effective judicial protection has been blocked, and that visits by lawyers and family members are entirely at the discretion of their interrogators.

Within the context of the "war on terror", fears that suspected Islamist militants may be particularly vulnerable to torture and ill-treatment are acute. In 2004, 31 ISA detainees accused of links to terrorism lodged complaints with SUHAKAM of ill-treatment during their initial 60-day ISA detention period.

  • Abdul Razak bin Abdul Hamid (arrested in December 2002) reported that he had been
    stripped naked, beaten by his interrogators and forced to drink water poured onto the floor.
  • Mohidin Shaari (arrested in December 2002) and Azman Hashim (arrested in February 2003) described how they were stripped naked, kicked and verbally abused.
  • Sulaiman Suramin (arrested in June 2003) claimed he was stripped, sexually humiliated and forced to kiss rubbish and cigarette ash.
Four of the 31 complainants also reported they were forced to describe how they made love to their wives. Among other allegations were: being hit across the face with a newspaper; spat at and forced to drink the spittle; and being forced to sit in the cold blast of air conditioners during interrogation.

Amnesty International remains gravely concerned that the Malaysian authorities have repeatedly failed to investigate effectively reports of torture or ill-treatment of ISA detainees by police. Even though there has been greater scrutiny of the treatment and detention conditions of ISA detainees in recent years due to the efforts of SUHAKAM and local non-governmental organizations, there are continued grave fears that the safeguards against torture and ill-treatment remain weak or ineffective.


Dad or devil???

American statistics on Awareness

Thursday, 17 April 2008

What you should NEVER say to a rape victim

1."Did you like it?"

Rape isn't about sex. It has nothing to do with orgasms or pleasure or sexual satisfaction; it is primarily about control and dominance. Rape victims don't enjoy rape any more than you would enjoy getting beat up by a man twice your size. You should never say or suggest that a victim enjoyed the attack, or even ask if they did, because the answer is 'no'.

2. "It's not like you are a virgin."
Again, rape has nothing to do with sex. The violation that a rape victim experiences isn't akin to a bad night in the sack, and shouldn't be treated as such. To say that it was 'just sex' can make the victim feel as though it was his or her fault, which is detrimental to psychological healing.
3."Well, if you'd just..."
You should never tell a rape victim how he or she could have handled the situation differently. Since the incident is over and done with, he or she cannot go back in time to change the way he or she walked home from school or dressed for the evening. Not to mention, sexual assault can happen anywhere, at any time, and sometimes preventative measures simply aren't sufficient.
4."That would never happen to me."
It could. It is never a good idea to tell a rape victim why you are impervious to such an attack, and can make the situation worse. He or she doesn't want to hear about your martial arts training or your sex crimes know-how. Your job is to be supportive and understanding, not critical.
5."Maybe God is punishing you for that thing you did in the past-in college,school and so on."
Again, you should never make a rape victim feel as though he or she "had it coming". It is a crime of violence and humiliation-nothing more-and it isn't punishment for past transgressions.
6."Are you sure it was rape?"
If your loved one tells you he or she was raped, it probably happened. Even if you are nursing doubts in the back of your mind, don't voice them because you may be wrong. It can feel like a secondary violation to be told that you are wrong about your experience, and can have long-term psychological consequences.
7."Please don't talk about it anymore."
Hearing about it might make you angry and frustrated, but you're listening for the rape victim, and not for yourself.
8."It could have been worse."
Yes, it probably could have been. Rather than telling a rape victim how it could have been, mention over and over that he or she is a survivor. To come out of such a traumatic experience with one's life is a monumental accomplishment, so celebrate your loved one's strength in a positive light.

Kid stuffed in a sports bag

Dear readers,
this is a fate of a poor child...
please read on.

It began with an innocent visit to the night market.
On the evening of August 20th 2007, 8-year old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin asked her mother for permission to run down to the neighbourhood’s night market. She wanted to buy hair grips for herself. Her mother, was entertaining a guest at that time. She said ok, thinking that Nurin was going to be accompanied by her younger sister. Her daughters usually go out either in a buddy-system or in groups. It never occurred to her that Nurin had decided to venture out by herself.

In between the bustling atmosphere of the night market, the shoppers failed to notice anything out of the ordinary. The only witness to the abduction was another little girl, who had innocently assumed that Nurin was being taken home by someone she knew, perhaps a relative.

Meanwhile, back at home, Nurin’s parents grew frantic when they realized their little girl had not returned. The night was getting late. Father, Jazimin Abd. Jalil, knew immediately that something was wrong. He went out to search for his missing daughter without success, despite help from concerned relatives and neighbours.The exhausted Jazimin finally trudged over to the local police station to lodge a report about his missing daughter.

Her disappearance made its way into the local newspapers. It hardly made headlines on the front-page news. A week later her mother, Norazian, tearfully appealed to the press for the first time for help locating her missing daughter. By now, the police officially classified the case as “kidnapping”.

Nurin’s parents were in despair. Her disappearance was not the only thing that was worrying, it was the state of her health that they were concerned with as well. Nurin suffered from kidney problems and high blood pressure. The missing child required daily medical attention. She needed to return home.

above is all about the missing child.
the heart piercing issue is how the child returned back home.
read on...

Unfortunately, this case offered no happy ending. The pleas of her parents for Nurin’s safe return went unheeded.

On September 17th, a company supervisor in Petaling Jaya stumbled across a large Diadora sports bag outside the company premises when she came to open the store. It was Monday morning. She initially thought the bag belonged to her employer who had just returned from a trip, 30 minutes later, it was discovered that the bag did not belong to him. Upon opening the bag to search for identification or clues to the owner, to his horror, he found a body within. He immediately alerted the police.What followed next was a series of media circus.

The body in the bag was a female child, aged between 6 and 8. She had been sexually-assaulted and strangled. Reports confirmed that she died approximately 6 hours prior to being transported to the “dump site”. Nurin’s parents were alerted immediately. They rushed to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for the identification procedure, barely able to brace themselves for the impending nightmare. Due to severe physical changes on the body caused by trauma, the husband and wife were unable to recognize her.
But the subsequent DNA testing proved that the body in the morgue was indeed their child.

Creating awareness to prevent more Nurins is my main aim thru this blog.
i cant blame her parents fully for her death yet if they were aware of her going out alone,this death can be avoided. she wasn't kidnapped in a lonely area but in between a well crowded night market!how can we be so ignorant when a child is walking alone?'selfish neighbourhood' i would conclude.if any of her neighbours showed a little concern when they noticed her alone-either sending her back home or accopanying her or alert her parents...she might be alive today with us smiling,well its too late for me to suggest what a individual should have done,poor nurin is no more.

hoping this case would be a warning to parents or guardiance to make sure they monitor their kids from being left alone at any point of time.

Tuesday, 15 April 2008

Girl raped by stepfather

This case have proved to us rape is not only committed by strangers!
This victim have suffered 11 years without complaining about her step father,thats the gratest mistake she have done.She should have made a point to stop his 'animalism' from the very begining.I would blame the victim's mother too for not being aware of her daughter's safety at home,how can she be ignorant towards her child's well being for 11years?
This rapist should be a flesh eating maniac!Marital breakdown not only affects the couple,the child's(children's) mentality as well,in this case its going to be hard time for the victim,a broken family as well as broken mind due to being raped and tortured for years.

JOHOR BARU: After 11 years of holding on to a terrible secret, a 17-year-old girl gathered the courage to tell her mother that her stepfather had allegedly molested and raped her as a child.

The victim claimed that she was forced to perform oral sex on the 44-year-old suspect when she was about six years old and that she was raped twice five years ago, when she was 12, at their home in Kulai.

The suspect allegedly committed the offences whenever the victim’s mother was not at home.

The revelation came to light when the victim’s mother started divorce proceedings against the suspect due to marital problems.