Wednesday, 17 September 2008

The world’s strangest rape cases

The world’s oldest rape victim

It could be the 98-year-old woman at an Australian nursing home. As reported by ABC TV in February 2006, the woman suffering from dementia was raped three times in a nursing home in Victoria State by a staff members. In addition, he also allegedly abused other residents.

The world’s oldest person on whom rape was attempted

In June 2006, the BBC reported that Paul Blackwood broke into a 101-year-old woman’s house in West Midlands, United Kingdom, in November 2005 and attempted to rape her.

The world’s strangest rape case (I)

In February 2007, The Oregonian reported that Georgie Audean Buoy, an 82-year-old woman, and described as a “kind old church volunteer who enjoys gardening”, has been sentenced to 3 years jail for having a sexual relationship with an 11-year-old boy in The Dalles, Oregon, USA. Even residents of the town where it happened are still having a hard time believing it. She was apparently a foster mother to the boy and was arrested a year ago in the town with a population of 12,000. The DA felt compelled to offer a copy of her taped confession to quell the protests of the many doubters. Buoy has been a member of the local church for more than 20 years, greeted parishioners on Sundays and welcomed those in need to stay at her house. The pastor summed it up: “This is one of those things that’s unexplainable to us”.

The world’s strangest rape case (II)

Apparently, in November 2004, reported that a cat named Timka raped a woman in Russia - she was hospitalised with “severe injuries to her genitals”. How did it happen? Well, 2 women, Vera and Svetlana wanted to er… “experience sexual pleasure via intimate contact with a cat.” Yep, zoophilia, bestiality, whatever you call it was on the cards. Can’t really blame the cat, can you?

Full story after the jump.

When the ambulance arrived at the woman’s house, Svetlana was lying on the sofa wearing only a jumper, and had streaks of blood on her legs. Her friend Vera could not explain what had happened. Initially doctors thought that a maniac had attacked Svetlana, but imagine their shock, when she confessed her indescretions after her recovery.


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